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  1. Furosemide - isonicotinamide cocrystals: An investigation of properties and structural disorder [Download]

    Title: Furosemide - isonicotinamide cocrystals: An investigation of properties and structural disorder
    Contributors: Creator: Kerr, Hannah E. (Durham University)
    Contact person: Kerr, Hannah E. (Durham University)
    Creator: Softley, Lorna (Durham University)
    Creator: Suresh, Kuthuru (Durham University)
    Creator: Nangia, Ashwini (Durham University)
    Creator: Hodgkinson, Paul (Durham University)
    Contact person: Hodgkinson, Paul (Durham University)
    Creator: Radosavljevic Evans, Ivana (Durham University)
    Keywords: NMR crystallography, solubility, co-crystal, disorder
    Date Uploaded: 12 October 2015
  2. Supporting Data for: "Superballistic center-of-mass motion in one-dimensional attractive Bose gases" [Download]

    Title: Supporting Data for: "Superballistic center-of-mass motion in one-dimensional attractive Bose gases"
    Contributors: Creator: Weiss, Christoph (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Weiss, Christoph (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Cornish, Simon L. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Gardiner, Simon A. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Breuer, Heinz-Peter (University of Freiburg, Germany)
    Contact person: Weiss, Christoph (Durham University, UK)
    Description: For full details about data refer to description.txt included with the tar.gz file along with the data. The tar.gz file also contains Gnuplot source code used to generate papers figures.
    Keywords: bright solitons, decoherence, superballistic motion
    Date Uploaded: 12 October 2015
  3. Supporting data: Mechanism for the uniaxial strain dependence of the critical current in practical REBCO tapes [Download]

    Title: Supporting data: Mechanism for the uniaxial strain dependence of the critical current in practical REBCO tapes
    Contributors: Creator: Osamura, Kozo (Research Institute for Applied Sciences, Kyoto 606-8202, Japan)
    Creator: Machiya, Shutaro (Daido University, Nagoya 457-8530, Japan)
    Creator: Hampshire, Damian (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Hampshire, Damian (Durham University, UK)
    Keywords: critical current, REBCO coated conductor, uniaxial strain dependence, synchrotron radiation, thermal strain, chain model, twin structure
    Date Uploaded: 12 October 2015
  4. Data for "Superconducting Properties of Titanium Alloys (Ti-64 and Ti-6242) for Critical Current Barrels" [Download]

    Title: Data for "Superconducting Properties of Titanium Alloys (Ti-64 and Ti-6242) for Critical Current Barrels"
    Contributors: Creator: Ridgeon, F. J. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Raine, M. J. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Halliday, D. P. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Lakrimi M. (Siemens plc: Healthcare Sector, MR Magnet Technology, Oxford, UK)
    Creator: Thomas A. (Siemens plc: Healthcare Sector, MR Magnet Technology, Oxford, UK)
    Creator: Hampshire, Damian (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Hampshire, Damian (Durham University, UK)
    Keywords: Titanium alloys, Critical current density, Upper critical field, Transition temperature, Metrology, Heat treatment
    Date Uploaded: 12 October 2015
  5. How Resistive Must Grain Boundaries in Polycrystalline Superconductors be, to Limit Jc? [dataset] [Download]

    Title: How Resistive Must Grain Boundaries in Polycrystalline Superconductors be, to Limit Jc? [dataset]
    Contributors: Creator: Wang, Guanmei (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Raine, Mark J. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Hampshire, Damian (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Hampshire, Damian (Durham University, UK)
    Date Uploaded: 20 December 2017
  6. Weakly-Emergent Strain Dependent Properties of High Field Superconductors [dataset] [Download]

    Title: Weakly-Emergent Strain Dependent Properties of High Field Superconductors [dataset]
    Contributors: Creator: Hampshire, Damian (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Hampshire, Damian (Durham University, UK)
    Data collector: Paul Branch (Durham University, UK)
    Keywords: Superconductivity
    Date Uploaded: 12 October 2015
  7. Supporting data for: Superconducting and mechanical properties of low-temperature solders for joints [Download]

    Title: Supporting data for: Superconducting and mechanical properties of low-temperature solders for joints
    Contributors: Creator: Tsui, Yeekin (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Mahmoud, Ra'ad (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Surrey, Elizabeth (Culham Science Centre, UK)
    Creator: Hampshire, Damian (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Hampshire, Damian (Durham University, UK)
    Keywords: coated conductor, solder, soldered joint, tensile test
    Date Uploaded: 12 October 2015
  8. Supporting data for: Soldered joints—an essential component of demountable high temperature superconducting fusion magnets [Download]

    Title: Supporting data for: Soldered joints—an essential component of demountable high temperature superconducting fusion magnets
    Contributors: Creator: Tsui, Yeekin (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Surrey, Elizabeth (Culham Science Centre, UK)
    Creator: Hampshire, Damian (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Hampshire, Damian (Durham University, UK)
    Keywords: superconducting joints, superconducting toroidal field coils, superconducing solder, interfacial resistance, high temperature superconductors, HTS tapes, fusion energy
    Date Uploaded: 12 October 2015
  9. East Anglia and Mease Crop Data for Building Land Use Models [Download]

    Title: East Anglia and Mease Crop Data for Building Land Use Models
    Contributors: Creator: Troffaes, Matthias (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Troffaes, Matthias (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Paton, Lewis (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Boatman, Nigel (Food and Environment Research Agency, UK)
    Creator: Hussein, Muhamed (Food and Environment Research Agency, UK)
    Creator: Hart, Andy (Food and Environment Research Agency, UK)
    Description: For full details about where the data was obtained and how it was used, refer to description.txt included with the zip file along with the data. The zip file also contains source code for statistical analysis of the data.
    Keywords: environment, geography, statistics
    Date Uploaded: 12 October 2015
  10. Observation of interference effects via four photon excitation of highly excited Rydberg states in thermal cesium vapor (Data files) [Download]

    Title: Observation of interference effects via four photon excitation of highly excited Rydberg states in thermal cesium vapor (Data files)
    Contributors: Contact person: Kondo, Jorge M. (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham-Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Kondo, Jorge M. (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham-Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Šibalić, Nikola (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham-Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Guttridge, Alex (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham-Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Wade, Christopher G. (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham-Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: De Melo, Natalia R. (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham-Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Adams, Charles S. (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham-Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Weatherill, Kevin J. (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham-Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, UK)
    Keywords: Coherent optical effects, Hyperfine structure, Multiphoton processes, Rydberg states, Optical memories
    Date Uploaded: 6 October 2015