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Torso rotation and hand position modulation functional MRI [dataset] Open Access

Topographic maps have been extensively studied for well over 30 years and reflect a fundamental organizing principle of the cerebral cortex. These experiments demonstrate that a number of distinct functional-anatomical zones exist in humans, non-human primates and rodents. However, a recent study reported that such phase-encoded maps are altered by subtle offsets in the static position of the eyes in the orbits. It is therefore unknown to what extent changes in other effectors, for example, the torso or even a single hand may also modulate the parietal phase maps that underpin the delineation of such key topographic anatomical-functional boundaries. Here we show that subtle static offsets of either the torso or even the position of one hand dramatically alters the overall phase maps when assessing the entire neuronal ensemble in the superior parietal lobule. These data provide new insights into the nature of topographic mapping in the brain, and demonstrate the need for developing consistent and effective topographic mapping protocols in the future scientific literature.


Resource type
Creator: Connolly, Jason 1
Data collector: Cacace, Alessia 1
Data collector: Podmore, Joshua 1
1 Durham University, UK
Alessia Cacace collected the hand position functional MRI dataset. Alessia Cacace is part of the Innovative Training Network 'Perception and Action in Complex Environments' (PACE). The PACE project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642961
Research methods
These behavioural and functional MRI data files contain: 1. Behavioural eye tracking data analysed with in-house custom code to calculate angular, amplitude, reaction time and cartesian error under three different torso orientations; 2. Functional MRI data for an experiment with two different hand positions whilst memory guided saccades were made ‘around the clock’. These data were analysed via an open source software suite ‘mrTools’ (Gardner Lab, Stanford University, USA) and in particular, the retinotopy software analyses pipeline of ‘mrTools’; and 3. Functional MRI data for an experiment with three different torso orientations whilst memory guided saccadic eye movements were made ‘around the clock’. This final dataset was also analysed using ‘mrTools’ and the retinotopy pipeline contained therein.
Other description
The following three .zip files contain: 1. RawSaccadotopy data: Eyetracking data for an experiment in which an EyeLink 2 was used to record monocular eye position under one of three torso orientations (torso under head). The head position was always facing the screen. There were 5 runs per torso orientation (or 15 runs across the 3 experimental torso rotation conditions). R = Right; L = left and C = Center 2. HandCentredStudyRaw data: functional MRI data for 7 participants (one scan session each). Each participant has: 1. An Anatomy file (both high resolution and in-planes in .hdr/.img pairs.) and functional T2* datasets (HL and HR). HL: refers to hand left; and HR: refers to hand right (or alongside the body). These are also in .hdr/.img (Analyze) format. CW: Clockwise progression of saccade targets; CCW: Counterclockwise progression of saccade targets. 3. TorsoRotationStudyRaw data: functional MRI data for 6 participants scanned across two separate scan sessions each. S1 – S6. TC: Torso Centre; TL: Torso Left; and TR: Torso Right. Each has an Anatomy and Raw directory. The Anatomy directory has the inplane and high resolution 3D anatomies. The Raw/TSeries directory has all of the functional T2* data (Analyze format). CW: Clockwise progression of saccade targets; CCW: Counterclockwise progression of saccade targets.
functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
parietal cortex
topographic mapping
static body position
delayed saccades
hand position changes
Magnetic resonance imaging
Medical geography
Cited in
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)

Durham University
Date Created

File Details

J.D. Connolly
Date Uploaded
Date Modified
30 September 2019, 11:09:18
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Last modified: 2019:09:25 15:53:51+01:00
Original checksum: 5f1f15cd1274e3b337688d9269c70bd5
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User N. Syrotiuk has updated Torso rotation and hand position modulation functional MRI [dataset] over 5 years ago
User N. Syrotiuk has updated Torso rotation and hand position modulation functional MRI [dataset] over 5 years ago
User N. Syrotiuk has updated Torso rotation and hand position modulation functional MRI [dataset] over 5 years ago
User N. Syrotiuk has updated Torso rotation and hand position modulation functional MRI [dataset] over 5 years ago
User N. Syrotiuk has updated Torso Rotation and Hand Position Modulation functional MRI datasets over 5 years ago