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Assembling Single RbCs Molecules with Optical Tweezers [dataset] Open Access

Optical tweezer arrays are useful tools for manipulating single atoms and molecules. An exciting avenue for research with optical tweezers is using the interactions between polar molecules for quantum computation or quantum simulation. Molecules can be assembled in an optical tweezer array starting from pairs of atoms. The atoms must be initialised in the relative motional ground state of a common trap. This work outlines the design of a Raman sideband cooling protocol which is implemented to prepare an 87-Rubidium atom in the motional ground state of an 817\,nm tweezer, and a 133-Caesium atom in the motional ground state of a 938\,nm tweezer. The protocol circumvents strong heating and dephasing associated with the trap by operating at lower trap depths and cooling from outside the Lamb-Dicke regime. By analysing several sources of heating, we design and implement a merging sequence that transfers the Rb atom and the Cs atom to a common trap with minimal motional excitation. Subsequently, we perform a detailed characterisation of AC Stark shifts caused by the tweezer light, and identify several situations in which the confinement of the atom pair influences their interactions. Then, we demonstrate the preparation of a molecular bound state after an adiabatic ramp across a magnetic Feshbach resonance. Measurements of the molecular loss rate provide evidence that the atoms are in fact associated during the merging sequence, before the magnetic field ramp. By preparing a weakly-bound molecule in an optical tweezer, we carry out important steps towards assembling an array of ultracold RbCs molecules in their rovibrational ground states.


Resource type
Creator: Spence, Stefan 1
Contact person: Spence, Stefan 1
1 Durham University, United Kingdom
U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Grant EP/P01058X/1
Durham University
Research methods
Other description
Optical tweezers
Ultracold molecules
Laser cooling
Quantum theory
Nuclear physics
Cited in
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)

Durham University
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S.J. Spence
Date Uploaded
Date Modified
31 October 2022, 12:10:34
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Last modified: 2022:10:31 12:55:11+00:00
Original checksum: 91c8663af5917875c7cb014731c09b0c
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