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3D Properties in (RE)BCO Tapes measured in Fields up to 35 T [dataset] Open Access

We have measured the temperature and angular dependence of the upper critical field (B¬_C2) for three state of the art (RE)BCO HTS tapes using variable-temperature ac susceptibility measurements in applied fields up to 35 T. The three tapes measured were a Fujikura tape without artificial pinning centers and Superpower tapes with and without artificial pinning centers. We have obtained fits to our B_C2 (T,θ) data using both the anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau (G-L) model and Klemm’s model for layered superconductors. Our calculations suggest that these tapes are 3D at all temperatures in zero field but become 2D in magnetic fields above a crossover field of 457/γ T where γ=√(m_c/m_ab ) is the G-L anisotropy parameter. The values of γ were measured and show that the 3D-2D crossover fields in these tapes are at least 130 T.


Resource type
Editor: Hampshire, Damian P. 1
Creator: Awaji, Satoshi 2
Creator: Surrey, Elizabeth 3
Contact person: Smith, Andrew 1
Editor: Smith, Andrew 1
Creator: Okada, Tatsunori 2
Creator: Raine, Mark J. 1
1 University of Durham, UK
2 Tohoku University, Japan
3 Culham Science Centre, UK
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Research methods
Other description
2G HTS Conductors
Superconducting Materials Measurements
Magnetic Anisotropy
Magnetic Field Measurement
Magnetic Susceptibility
Critical Temperature and Critical Fields
Cited in
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Durham University
Date Created

File Details

A. Smith
Date Uploaded
Date Modified
1 April 2019, 10:04:59
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File size: 127694
Last modified: 2019:03:15 09:43:09+00:00
Filename: 1MPo2C-01
Original checksum: 6039a5b6f844fa6f8cd4bcf634815637
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User A. Smith has updated 3D Properties in (RE)BCO Tapes measured in Fields up to 35 T [dataset] over 5 years ago
User A. Smith has updated 3D Properties in (RE)BCO Tapes measured in Fields up to 35 T [dataset] over 5 years ago
User A. Smith has updated 3D Properties in (RE)BCO Tapes measured in Fields up to 35 T [dataset] over 5 years ago
User A. Smith has updated 3D Properties in (RE)BCO Tapes measured in Fields up to 35 T [dataset] over 5 years ago
User A. Smith has updated 3D Properties in (RE)BCO Tapes measured in Fields up to 35 T [dataset] over 5 years ago
User A. Smith has updated 20180319 Andy Smith ASC Abstract.docx over 6 years ago
User A. Smith has deposited 20180319 Andy Smith ASC Abstract.docx over 6 years ago