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Rethinking Iberian ‘warrior’ stelae: a multidisciplinary investigation of Mirasiviene and its connection to Setefilla (Lora del Río, Seville, Spain) [dataset] Open Access

Iberian ‘warrior’ stelae have captured the imagination of researchers and the public for more than a century. Traditionally, stelae were considered ‘de-contextualised’ monuments, and research typically focused on the study of their iconography, paying little or no attention to their immediate contexts. As a result, despite the large number of these stelae known to date (c. 140) and the ample body of literature that has dealt with them, fundamental questions remain unanswered. This paper aims to demonstrate the potential of a multidisciplinary and contextual approach to push forward the research agenda on these monuments through a case study. Firstly, we introduce the Mirasiviene stela and the methods deployed for its investigation, which include a variety of digital imaging techniques, petrography, pXRF, intensive survey and multi-scalar spatial analysis. Secondly, we discuss the results in relation to three main topics: stela biography, social practices and landscape context. Comparisons to the well-known nearby Bronze Age and Iron Age site of Setefilla are made throughout the discussion. Ultimately, this paper makes a case for the stelae of Mirasiviene and Setefilla being polyvalent monuments made by local artisans, that served both as a landmarks and memorials in connection with dense late second and early first millennium BCE settlement patterns in the region. Probably linked to elites, ‘houses’ or kin groups of this time, stelae were set in symbolically-charged places, liminal spaces nearby water, burials and pathways, attracting a range of ritual activities throughout the centuries. The study of the newly discovered Mirasiviene stela shows that multidisciplinary, cutting-edge non-destructive archaeology can shed significant new light on these prehistoric monuments, thus providing a glimpse of what in our opinion is a paradigm shift in the research of similar monuments throughout Europe.


Resource type
Creator: Diaz-Guardamino, Marta 1
Contact person: Diaz-Guardamino, Marta 1
Data collector: Diaz-Guardamino, Marta 1
Editor: Diaz-Guardamino, Marta 1
1 Durham University, United Kingdom
Research methods
Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) file of the stela and associated metadata file.
Other description
Digital Archaeology
Antiquities, Prehistoric
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Cited in
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC)

Durham University
Date Created

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M.M. Diaz Guardamino
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Date Modified
13 August 2019, 18:08:55
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User M.M. Diaz Guardamino has updated RTI file (.ptm) of the Mirasiviene stela [dataset] almost 5 years ago
User M.M. Diaz Guardamino has updated RTI file (.ptm) of the Mirasiviene stela [dataset] almost 5 years ago
User M.M. Diaz Guardamino has updated RTI file of the Mirasiviene stela [dataset] almost 5 years ago
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