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Data for Interspecies thermalization in an ultracold mixture of Cs and Yb in an optical trap Open Access
We present measurements of interspecies thermalization between ultracold samples of $^{133}$Cs and either $^{174}$Yb and $^{170}$Yb. The two species are trapped in a far-off-resonance optical dipole trap and $^{133}$Cs is sympathetically cooled by Yb. We extract effective interspecies thermalization cross sections by fitting the thermalization measurements to a rate equation model, giving \mbox{$\sigma_{\mathrm{Cs-^{174}Yb}} = \left(5 \pm 2\right) \times 10^{-13} \, \mathrm{cm^{2}}$} and \mbox{$\sigma_{\mathrm{Cs-^{170}Yb}} = \left(18 \pm 8\right) \times 10^{-13} \, \mathrm{cm^{2}}$}. We perform quantum scattering calculations of the thermalization cross sections and optimize the CsYb interaction potential to reproduce the measurements. We predict scattering lengths for all isotopic combinations of Cs and Yb. We also demonstrate the independent production of $^{174}$Yb and $^{133}$Cs Bose-Einstein condensates using the same optical dipole trap, an important step towards the realization of a quantum-degenerate mixture of the two species.
- Resource type
- Dataset
- Contributors
- Creator:
Guttridge, Alex
Contact person: Guttridge, Alex 1
Creator: Hopkins, Stephen 1
Creator: Kemp, Stefan 1
Creator: Frye, Matthew 2
Creator: Hutson, Jeremy 2
Creator: Cornish, Simon 1
1 Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham-Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, UK
2 Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham-Newcastle, Department of Chemistry, Durham University, UK
- Funder
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
- Research methods
- Other description
Data files used in "Interspecies thermalization in an ultracold mixture of Cs and Yb in an optical trap". For more information refer to the README.txt file included in data zip file.
- Keyword
- Atomic Physics
Ultracold Atoms
- Subject
- Location
- Language
- Cited in
- arxiv:1704.03270
- Identifier
- ark:/32150/r2rv042t06m
- Rights
- All rights reserved All rights reserved
- Publisher
Durham University
- Date Created
File Details
- Depositor
- A. Guttridge
- Date Uploaded
- 4 April 2017, 09:04:27
- Date Modified
- 26 May 2017, 18:05:47
- Audit Status
- Audits have not yet been run on this file.
- Characterization
File format: zip (ZIP Format)
Mime type: application/zip
File size: 548881
Last modified: 2017:05:26 18:33:54+01:00
Filename: CsYb Thermalisation.zip
Original checksum: 50c61b3aa97c95876d319f1b5ab8e83b
User Activity | Date |
User A. Guttridge has added a new version of Data for Interspecies thermalization in an ultracold mixture of Cs and Yb in an optical trap | almost 8 years ago |
User A. Guttridge has updated Interspecies thermalization in an ultracold mixture of Cs and Yb in an optical trap | almost 8 years ago |
User A. Guttridge has updated Interspecies thermalization in an ultracold mixture of Cs and Yb in an optical trap | almost 8 years ago |
User A. Guttridge has updated Interspecies thermalization in an ultracold mixture of Cs and Yb in an optical trap | almost 8 years ago |
User A. Guttridge has deposited CsYb Thermalisation Data.zip | almost 8 years ago |