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The Cañaveral de León stela (Huelva, Spain) : A monumental sculpture in a landscape of settlements and pathways [dataset] Open Access

A newly discovered prehistoric stela from Cañaveral de León (Huelva, Spain) is studied through a combination of scientific methods, including thin section petrography and lithological contextualisation, various state-of-the-art digital imaging techniques for the rendering of the engraved motifs (3D modelling and Reflectance Transformation Imaging), and detection of pigments on its surface (Principal Components Analysis, HSI-contrast stretch, ferric pigments index and algebraic operations between bands), as well as archaeological surveys aimed at establishing the landscape context the stela was part of. The results reveal this stela is analogous to a larger series of late prehistoric statues portraying personages with ‘headdresses’, largely concentrated in the Iberian south-west and often connected to Bronze Age settlements and burial sites. In addition, the Cañaveral de León stela is closely associated to an old pathway that has had a historical prominence in terms of long-distance mobility, connecting various regions of western Spain in a South-North direction.


Resource type
Creator: Diaz-Guardamino, Marta 1
Contact person: Diaz-Guardamino, Marta 1
Data collector: Diaz-Guardamino, Marta 1
Data curator: Diaz-Guardamino, Marta 1
Editor: Diaz-Guardamino, Marta 1
1 Durham University, United KIngdom
Partly funded by the Andalusian Regional Government
Research methods
Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI)
Other description
Rock Art
Bronze Age
Prehistoric peoples Archaeology--Methodology
Cañaveral de León, Andalusia, Spain
Cited in
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC)

Durham University
Date Created

File Details

M.M. Diaz Guardamino
Date Uploaded
Date Modified
14 March 2022, 12:03:08
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Last modified: 2022:01:05 11:28:54+00:00
Filename: Cañ
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User N. Syrotiuk has updated The Cañaveral de León stela (Huelva, Spain) : A monumental sculpture in a landscape of settlements and pathways [dataset] over 2 years ago
User N. Syrotiuk has updated The Cañaveral de León stela (Huelva, Spain) : A monumental sculpture in a landscape of settlements and pathways [dataset] over 2 years ago
User N. Syrotiuk has updated The Cañaveral de León stela (Huelva, Spain) : A monumental sculpture in a landscape of settlements and pathways [dataset] over 2 years ago
User M.M. Diaz Guardamino has updated The Cañaveral de León stela (Huelva, Spain). A monumental sculpture in a landscape of settlements and pathways [RTI datasets] over 2 years ago
User M.M. Diaz Guardamino has updated The Cañaveral de León stela (Huelva, Spain). A monumental sculpture in a landscape of settlements and pathways [RTI datasets] over 2 years ago