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Quasisimultons in thermal atomic vapors [dataset] Open Access

The propagation of two-color laser fields through optically thick atomic ensembles is studied. We demonstrate how the interaction between these two fields spawns the formation of copropagating, two-color solitonlike pulses akin to the simultons found by Konopnicki and Eberly [Phys. Rev. A 24, 2567 (1981)]. For the particular case of thermal Rb atoms exposed to a combination of a weak cw laser field resonant on the D1 transition and a strong sub-ns laser pulse resonant on the D2 transition, simulton formation is initiated by an interplay between the 5s 1/2 − 5p 1/2 and 5s 1/2 − 5p 3/2 coherences. The interplay amplifies the D1 field at the arrival of the D2 pulse, producing a sech-squared pulse with a length of less than 10 μm. This amplification is demonstrated in a time-resolved measurement of the light transmitted through a thin thermal cell. We find good agreement between experiment and a model that includes the hyperfine structure of the relevant levels. With the addition of Rydberg dressing, quasisimultons may offer interesting prospects for strong photon-photon interactions in a robust environment.


Resource type
Creator: Potvliege, Robert 1
Contact person: Potvliege, Robert 1
Ogden, Thomas P. 1
Whittaker, K.A. 1
Keaveney, J. 1
Adams, C.S. 1
Wrathmall, S.A. 1
1 Durham University
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Durham University
Research methods
Other description
The data was used to create panel (a) of fig. 2 in our paper. First column: power; Second column: time; Third column: signal.
Change in transmission
Effects of atomic coherence on light propagation
Light-matter interaction
Nonlinear optics
Quantum optics
Cited in
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)

Durham University
Date Created

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R.M.A. Potvliege
Date Uploaded
Date Modified
9 March 2020, 19:03:52
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User R.M.A. Potvliege has updated Quasisimultons in thermal atomic vapors [dataset] over 4 years ago
User R.M.A. Potvliege has updated Experimental data for panel (a) of Fig. 2 of T P Ogden et al, "Quasisimultons in Thermal Atomic Vapors", Physical Review Letters 123, 243604 (2019) (change in transmission). over 4 years ago
User R.M.A. Potvliege has updated Experimental data for panel (a) of Fig. 2 of T P Ogden et al, "Quasisimultons in Thermal Atpomic Vapors", Physical Review Letters 123, 243604 (2019) (change in transmission). over 4 years ago
User R.M.A. Potvliege has updated Experimental data for panel (a) of Fig. 2 of the paper (change in transmission) over 4 years ago
User R.M.A. Potvliege has updated Experimental data for panel (a) of Fig. 2 of the paper (change in transmission) over 4 years ago
User R.M.A. Potvliege has deposited alldata.dat over 4 years ago