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Quantitative simulation of a magneto-optical trap operating near the photon recoil limit - Supporting Data Open Access

Abstract from paper: We present a quantitative model for magneto-optical traps operating on narrow transitions, where the transition linewidth and the recoil shift are comparable. We combine a quantum treatment of the light scattering process with a Monte-Carlo simulation of the atomic motion. By comparing our model to an experiment operating on the 5s2 1S0→5s5p 3P1 transition in strontium, we show that it quantitatively reproduces the cloud size, position, temperature and dynamics over a wide range of operating conditions, without any adjustable parameters. We also present an extension of the model that quantitatively reproduces the transfer of atoms into a far off-resonance dipole trap (FORT), highlighting its use as a tool for optimising complex cold atom experiments.


Resource type
Creator: Hanley, Ryan 1
Contact person: Hanley, Ryan 1
Creator: Bounds, Alistair 1
Creator: Huillery, Paul 1
Creator: Keegan, Niamh 1
Creator: Faoro, Riccardo 1
Creator: Bridge, Elizabeth 1
Creator: Weatherill, Kevin 1
Creator: Jones, Matthew 1
1 Durham University, UK
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
EPSRC grant EP/J007021/
Royal Society
Royal Society grant RG140546
Seventh Framework Programme
EU grant FP7-ICT-2013-612862-HAIRS
EU grant H2020-FETPROACT- 2014- 640378-RYSQ
EU grant H2020-MSCA-IF-2014-660028
Research methods
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Durham University
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R.K. Hanley
Date Uploaded
Date Modified
29 September 2017, 08:09:07
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File size: 3680100
Last modified: 2017:09:20 15:10:44+01:00
Filename: Quantitative simulation of a magneto-optical trap operating near the photon recoil limit - Supporting
Original checksum: 6e21fc2261d04b6faaea6589cb91824b
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User S. Palucha has updated Quantitative simulation of a magneto-optical trap operating near the photon recoil limit - Supporting Data almost 7 years ago
User S. Palucha has updated Quantitative simulation of a magneto-optical trap operating near the photon recoil limit - Supporting Data almost 7 years ago
User S. Palucha has updated Quantitative simulation of a magneto-optical trap operating near the photon recoil limit - Supporting Data almost 7 years ago
User S. Palucha has updated Quantitative simulation of a magneto-optical trap operating near the photon recoil limit - Supporting Data almost 7 years ago
User S. Palucha has updated Quantitative simulation of a magneto-optical trap operating near the photon recoil limit - Supporting Data almost 7 years ago
User S. Palucha has updated Quantitative simulation of a magneto-optical trap operating near the photon recoil limit - Supporting Data almost 7 years ago
User R.K. Hanley has updated Quantitative simulation of a magneto-optical trap operating near the photon recoil limit - Supporting about 7 years ago
User R.K. Hanley has deposited Quantitative simulation of a magneto-optical trap operating near the photon recoil limit - Supporting about 7 years ago