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Directory of UK Based Test and Demonstration Facilities for Wind Technologies [database] Open Access

This report gives an insight into the UK testing and demonstration facilities landscape for the wind energy sector used by the scientific and industrial communities. It provides an exten sive directory of the facilities of use to the UK and European wind research and development community, ident ifying where cutting-edge facilities exist within the UK for validation testing of new developments across th e full range of Technology Readiness Levels. By providing a comprehensive understanding of the available test ing and demonstration services, this document is a source of information for energy researchers and industry, academia and government innovators who have interest in reducing technology development risk. It contains us eful technical insights to support academic/business cases and is accessible to professionals across all sect ors of the wind industry from early career researchers through to senior industrial project managers. The doc ument has been designed to be used as a reference directory and is produced from a combination of publically available material and Durham University internal sources. The document also provides links to recommended re sources and detailed information specific to individual facilities.


Resource type
Creator: Donatella Zappalá 1
Contact person: Donatella Zappalá 1
Data collector: Donatella Zappalá 1
Data curator: Donatella Zappalá 1
Editor: Donatella Zappalá 1
Contact person: Christopher J Crabtree 1
Editor: Christopher J Crabtree 1
Editor: Simon Hogg 1
1 Durham University, Department of Engineering
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Research methods
The directory is produced from a combination of publically available material and Durham University internal sources.
Other description
Wind turbines
Test facilities
Demonstration facilities
De-risk technology development
Full range of Technology Readiness Levels
Wind turbines
Cited in
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)

Durham University
Date Created

File Details

D. Zappala
Date Uploaded
Date Modified
7 November 2018, 19:11:13
Audit Status
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File format: pdf (Portable Document Format)
Mime type: application/pdf
File size: 1411680
Last modified: 2018:11:07 12:24:16+00:00
Filename: Directory of UK Based Test and Demonstration Facilities for Wind Technologies_new.pdf
Original checksum: 4e860d8041095cecb67ec7579db7f319
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Valid: true
File title: Directory of UK Based Test and Demonstration Facilities for Wind Technologies
Page count: 112
File language: en-GB
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User D. Zappala has added a new version of Directory of UK Based Test and Demonstration Facilities for Wind Technologies [database] over 5 years ago
User D. Zappala has added a new version of Directory of UK Based Test and Demonstration Facilities for Wind Technologies [database] over 5 years ago
User D. Zappala has added a new version of Directory of UK Based Test and Demonstration Facilities for Wind Technologies [database] over 5 years ago