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Les comptes de l'hôtel de Marie, duchesse d'Anjou (1365-1366). Édition critique du ms. Archives nationales, KK 241 [map] Open Access

A critical edition of the surviving household account of Marie de Bretagne (Archives nationales, KK 241) pays tribute not only to Michael Jones’ expertise as a prolific editor of archival materials relating to the Breton ducal family, but to his fundamental research on the late medieval duchy, on aristocratic lifestyles, and on documentary practices themselves. Running from 13 July 1365 to 7 March 1366, Marie’s account is fortuitously timed to give glimpses into the aftermath of the defeat of her parents, Charles de Blois and Jeanne de Penthièvre, duke and duchess of Brittany, in the War of Succession. For example, Marie had taken her youngest brother into her household while their mother attends to business elsewhere, and arranged for a commemorative mass for her father’s soul. More generally, the account gives detailed information on the material, organizational, and logistical aspects of a princess’ household. It is divided into 4 sections: money received, routine daily expenditures, extraordinary expenditures, and provisions in kind. Together, these entries allow us to reconstruct Marie’s regular itinerary within Anjou as well as a protracted trip to Languedoc, of which her husband was royal lieutenant; relationships within and outside her entourage; and the luxury consumption displayed with regards to food, clothing, patronage, and many other aspects of live. Finally, the interest of this account lies in its unusual composition: the original records having been destroyed in the siege of Vaas in 1370, the ducal accountant pieced together this replacement in 1376 with careful notes on where he derived his information. We can therefore see how an administrator made use of surviving records from different parts of the household to reconstruct one of the countless documents lost to the violence of the Hundred Years’ War.


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Creator: Graham-Goering, Erika 1
1 Durham University, UK
Research methods
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The original interactive version of this map was published at:

The map accompanies the following article: Erika Graham-Goering, ‘Les comptes de l'hôtel de Marie, duchesse d'Anjou (1365-1366). Édition critique du ms. Archives nationales, KK 241’, in ‘Bretons du Moyen Âge, entre guerre et paix. Mélanges en l'honneur de Michael Jones’, ed. Yves Coativy, Anne Curry et Frédérique Lachaud, Annales de Bretagne et des Pays de l'Ouest, 130-2 (2023)
Medieval accounts
Duchy of Anjou
World politics
Middle Ages
Historical geography
France, , France
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC)

Durham University
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E. Graham Goering
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Date Modified
26 July 2023, 08:07:40
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User N. Syrotiuk has updated Les comptes de l'hôtel de Marie, duchesse d'Anjou (1365-1366). Édition critique du ms. Archives nationales, KK 241 [map] over 1 year ago
User N. Syrotiuk has updated Les comptes de l'hôtel de Marie, duchesse d'Anjou (1365-1366). Édition critique du ms. Archives nationales, KK 241 [map] over 1 year ago
User E. Graham Goering has updated Les comptes de l'hôtel de Marie, duchesse d'Anjou (1365-1366). Édition critique du ms. Archives nationales, KK 241 [map] over 1 year ago
User N. Syrotiuk has updated Les comptes de l'hôtel de Marie, duchesse d'Anjou (1365-1366). Édition critique du ms. Archives nationales, KK 241 [map] over 1 year ago
User E. Graham Goering has updated Les comptes de l'hôtel de Marie, duchesse d'Anjou (1365-1366). Édition critique du ms. Archives nationales, KK 241 [map] over 1 year ago
User E. Graham Goering has deposited w8B5y-itineraire-de-marie-duchesse-d-anjou-13-juillet-1365-7-mars-1366.png over 1 year ago