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Shear banding as a cause of non-monotonic stress relaxation after flow cessation [dataset] Open Access
Recent flow cessation experiments on soft materials have shown a counter-intuitive non-monotonic relaxation of the shear stress: following the switch-off of a steady imposed shear flow, the stress initially decays before later increasing again. By simulating the soft glassy rheology model in a form extended to allow steady state shear banding, we show that the presence of shear bands prior to flow cessation can give rise to this phenomenon. We give a mechanistic understanding of the basic physics involved, in terms of (i) the decay of the shear bands after flow cessation, and (ii) the evolution of frustrated local stresses, governed by different time scales for plastic relaxation in each band. In particular, an elastic recoil in the unsheared band gives rise to negative local frustrated stresses, the slow release of which can cause an increase in macroscopic stress. Given that shear banding and frustrated local stresses arise widely across disordered soft solids, we argue that non-monotonic stress relaxation after flow cessation may occur in many different materials.
- Resource type
- Dataset
- Contributors
- Creator:
Ward, VK
Fielding, SM 1
1 Durham University, UK
- Funder
European Research Council
- Research methods
- Other description
- Keyword
- Rheology
Nonmonotonic stress relaxation
Flow cessation
Shear flows
- Subject
Shear flow
- Location
- Language
- Cited in
- Identifier
- ark:/32150/r1bz60cw31v
- Rights
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)
- Publisher
Durham University
- Date Created
File Details
- Depositor
- V.K. Ward
- Date Uploaded
- 26 January 2025, 18:01:20
- Date Modified
- 27 January 2025, 10:01:55
- Audit Status
- Audits have not yet been run on this file.
- Characterization
File format: zip (ZIP Format)
Mime type: application/zip
File size: 74392817
Last modified: 2025:01:26 18:55:56+00:00
Filename: flowcessation.zip
Original checksum: aa75d06af3152b50b5a923dff050d79e
User Activity | Date |
User N. Syrotiuk has updated Shear banding as a cause of non-monotonic stress relaxation after flow cessation [dataset] | about 1 month ago |
User N. Syrotiuk has updated Shear banding as a cause of non-monotonic stress relaxation after flow cessation [dataset] | about 1 month ago |
User V.K. Ward has updated Shear banding as a cause of non-monotonic stress relaxation after flow cessation [dataset] | about 1 month ago |
User N. Syrotiuk has updated Shear banding as a cause of non-monotonic stress relaxation after flow cessation [dataset] | about 1 month ago |