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Stability and Metastability of Skyrmions in Thin Lamella of Cu2OSeO3 [dataset] Open Access

We report small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements of the skyrmion lattice in two 200 nm thick Cu2OSeO3 lamellae aligned with the applied magnetic field parallel to the out of plane [110] or [100] crystallographic directions. Our measurements show that the equilibrium skyrmion phase in both samples is expanded significantly compared to bulk crystals, existing between approximately 30 and 50~K over a wide region of magnetic field. This skyrmion state is elliptically distorted at low fields for the [110] sample, and symmetric for the [100] sample, possibly due to crystalline anisotropy becoming more important at this sample thickness than it is in bulk samples. Furthermore, we find that a metastable skyrmion state can be observed at low temperature by field cooling through the equilibrium skyrmion pocket in both samples. In contrast to the behavior in bulk samples, the volume fraction of metastable skyrmions does not significantly depend on cooling rate. We show that a possible explanation for this is the change in the lowest temperature of the skyrmion state in this lamellae compared to bulk, without requiring different energetics of the skyrmion state.


Resource type
Creator: Wilson, M.N. 1
Contact person: Wilson, M.N. 1
Creator: Birch, M.T. 1
Creator: Štefančič, A. 2
Creator: Twitchett-Harrison, A.C. 3
Creator: Balakrishnan, G. 4
Creator: Hicken, T.J. 1
Creator: Fan, R. 5
Creator: Steadman, P. 5
Creator: Hatton, P.D. 6
1 Durham University, UK
2 University of Warwick, UK
3 University of Cambridge, UK
4 University of Warwick
5 Diamond Light Source, UK
6 Durham University
EPSRC Skyrmion Project EP/N032128/1
Research methods
Other description
Strongly Correlated Electrons
Materials Science
Cited in
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA)

Durham University
Date Created

File Details

M.N. Wilson
Date Uploaded
Date Modified
16 December 2019, 14:12:07
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Last modified: 2019:12:11 18:39:13+00:00
Original checksum: 571e9d819a3ca7d8340c7f896dc81660
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User N. Syrotiuk has updated Stability and Metastability of Skyrmions in Thin Lamella of Cu2OSeO3 [dataset] over 4 years ago