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Muon-spin relaxation investigation of magnetic bistability in a crystalline organic radical compound [dataset] Open Access

We present the results of a muon-spin relaxation (μ+SR) investigation of the crystalline organic radical compound 4-(2-benzimidazolyl)-1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolyl (HbimDTDA), in which we demonstrate the hysteretic magnetic switching of the system that takes place at T=274±11K caused by a structural phase transition. Muon-site analysis using electronic structure calculations suggests a range of candidate muon stopping sites. The sites are numerous and similar in energy but, significantly, differ between the two structural phases of the material. Despite the difference in the sites, the muon remains a faithful probe of the transition, revealing a dynamically-fluctuating magnetically disordered state in the low-temperature structural phase. In contrast, in the high temperature phase the relaxation is caused by static nuclear moments, with rapid electronic dynamics being motionally narrowed from the muon spectra.


Resource type
Creator: Hernandez-Melian, Alberto 1
Creator: Huddart, Benjamin M. 1
Creator: Pratt, Francis L. 2
Creator: Blundell, Stephen J. 3
Creator: Mills, Michelle B. 4
Creator: Young, Harrison K. S. 4
Creator: Preuss, Kathryn E. 4
Creator: Lancaster, Tom 1
1 Durham University, United Kingdom
2 ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, United Kingdom
3 University of Oxford, United Kingdom
4 University of Guelph, Canada
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Research methods
Other description
Experimental data to be published in October 2023:

Muon-spin relaxation
Molecule-based magnetism
Muon site determination
Density functional theory
Cited in
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)

Durham University
Date Created

File Details

A. Hernandez Melian
Date Uploaded
Date Modified
1 August 2023, 10:08:16
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File format: x-gzip (GZIP Format, GZIP)
Mime type: application/x-gzip
File size: 93329
Last modified: 2023:07:31 13:08:37+01:00
Filename: jpcs_paper_data.tar.gz
Original checksum: 729b9897719bb3f1ee192e64a57905b4
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User N. Syrotiuk has updated Muon-spin relaxation investigation of magnetic bistability in a crystalline organic radical compound [dataset] 12 months ago
User N. Syrotiuk has updated Muon-spin relaxation investigation of magnetic bistability in a crystalline organic radical compound [dataset] 12 months ago