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  1. Improved 3D Sparse Maps for High-performance Structure from Motion with Low-cost Omnidirectional Robots - Evaluation Dataset [Download]

    Title: Improved 3D Sparse Maps for High-performance Structure from Motion with Low-cost Omnidirectional Robots - Evaluation Dataset
    Contributors: Creator: Breckon, Toby P. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Cavestany, Pedro (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Breckon, Toby P. (Durham University, UK)
    Description: Data set used in research paper doi:10.1109/ICIP.2015.7351744
    Keywords: Structure from motion, Mobile robot, Omnidirectional, Noise, Feature filtering
    Date Uploaded: 21 January 2016
  2. Relating Molecular Morphology to Charge Mobility in Semi-Crystalline Conjugated Polymers: Underpinning data [Download]

    Title: Relating Molecular Morphology to Charge Mobility in Semi-Crystalline Conjugated Polymers: Underpinning data
    Contributors: Contact person: Groves, Chris (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Jones, Matthew (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Charkrabarti, Buddhapriya (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Huang, David (University of Adelaide)
    Description: The file contains four sets of data used in the Journal of Physical Chemistry paper to which this DOI is linked. These are - Crystal data; Charge transport data; charge transport input data (morphologies); paracrystallinity data. Each sub directory contains a short .txt file to assist interpreting the data.
    Keywords: Charge Transport, P3HT, Course grained molecular morphologies
    Date Uploaded: 13 January 2016
  3. Data for "Optimised conditions for the synthesis of 17O and 18O labelled cholesterol" [Download]

    Title: Data for "Optimised conditions for the synthesis of 17O and 18O labelled cholesterol"
    Contributors: Contact person: Sanderson, John M (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Law, Robert V (Imperial College London, UK)
    Creator: de la Calle Arregui, Celia (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Purdie, Jonathan A (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Haslam, Catherine A (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Sanderson, John M (Durham University, UK)
    Description: A file index info.txt is present in the zip archive
    Keywords: Cholesterol, Synthesis, 10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2015.12.003
    Date Uploaded: 11 January 2016
  4. Muon-spin relaxation study of the double perovskite insulators Sr2BOsO6 (B = Fe, Y, ln): Supporting data. [Download]

    Title: Muon-spin relaxation study of the double perovskite insulators Sr2BOsO6 (B = Fe, Y, ln): Supporting data.
    Contributors: Creator: Lancaster, T (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Williams, R C (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Xiao, F (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Thomas, I O (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Clark, S J (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Cornish, G A (University of York, UK)
    Creator: Blundell, S J (University of Oxford, UK)
    Creator: Hayes, W (University of Oxford, UK)
    Creator: Paul, A K (Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Dresden, Germany; Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, Germany)
    Creator: Felser, C (Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Dresden, Germany)
    Creator: Jansen, M (Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Dresden, Germany; Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, Germany)
    Contact person: Lancaster, T (Durham University, UK)
    Description: Supporting data for the paper "Muon-spin relaxation study of the double perovskite insulators Sr2BOsO6 (B = Fe, Y, ln)"
    Keywords: muon-spin relaxation, magnetism
    Date Uploaded: 11 January 2016
  5. Direct loading of a large Yb MOT on the 1S0 → 3P1 transition(Data Files) [Download]

    Title: Direct loading of a large Yb MOT on the 1S0 → 3P1 transition(Data Files)
    Contributors: Creator: Guttridge, Alex (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Guttridge, Alex (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Hopkins, Stephen (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Kemp, Stefan (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Boddy, Danielle (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Freytag, Ruben (Imperial College London, UK)
    Creator: Jones, Matthew (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Tarbutt, Michael (Imperial College London, UK)
    Creator: Hinds, Ed (Imperial College London, UK)
    Creator: Cornish, Simon (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Guttridge, Alex (Durham University, UK)
    Description: Data files used in "Fluorescence spectroscopy of an ytterbium atomic beam". For more information refer to the README.txt file included in data zip file.
    Keywords: Atomic Physics
    Date Uploaded: 21 December 2015
  6. Versatile Zeeman slower CsYb data [Download]

    Title: Versatile Zeeman slower CsYb data
    Contributors: Creator: Hopkins, Stephen A. (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham - Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom)
    Contact person: Hopkins, Stephen A. (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham - Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom)
    Creator: Butler, Kirsteen L. (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham - Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom)
    Creator: Guttridge, Alexander (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham - Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom)
    Creator: Kemp, Stefan L. (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham - Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom)
    Creator: Freytag, Ruben (Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom)
    Creator: Hinds, Ed A. (Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom)
    Creator: Tarbutt, Michael R. (Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom)
    Creator: Cornish, Simon L. (Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) Durham - Newcastle, Department of Physics, Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom)
    Keywords: Zeeman slower, ytterbium, caesium, ultracold molecule, quantum degenerate gas, magneto-optical trap
    Date Uploaded: 21 December 2015
  7. Data for Quantum chaos in ultracold collisions between Yb (1S0) and Yb (3P2) [Download]

    Title: Data for Quantum chaos in ultracold collisions between Yb (1S0) and Yb (3P2)
    Contributors: Creator: Green, Dermot G (Joint Quantum Centre, Department of Chemistry, Durham University, UK)
    Data collector: Vaillant, Christophe L (Joint Quantum Centre, Department of Chemistry, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Frye, Matthew D (Joint Quantum Centre, Department of Chemistry, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Morita, Masato (Joint Quantum Centre, Department of Chemistry, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Hutson, Jeremy M (Joint Quantum Centre, Department of Chemistry, Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Hutson, Jeremy M (Joint Quantum Centre, Department of Chemistry, Durham University, UK)
    Keywords: chaos, quantum chaos, ultracold, ytterbium
    Date Uploaded: 16 December 2015
  8. Data archive for Chem Comm paper | Furosemide's one little hydrogen atom: NMR crystallography structure verification of powdered molecular organics [Download]

    Title: Data archive for Chem Comm paper | Furosemide's one little hydrogen atom: NMR crystallography structure verification of powdered molecular organics
    Contributors: Creator: Widdifield, Cory (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Hodgkinson, Paul (Durham University, UK)
    Keywords: solid-state NMR, NMR crystallography, crystal structure verification, hydrogen bonding
    Date Uploaded: 16 December 2015
  9. Supporting Data: The effects of junction interdiffusion and misfit dislocations on the efficiency of highly mismatched heterojunction photovoltaic devices [Download]

    Title: Supporting Data: The effects of junction interdiffusion and misfit dislocations on the efficiency of highly mismatched heterojunction photovoltaic devices
    Contributors: Creator: Mendis, Budhika (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Mendis, Budhika (Durham University, UK)
    Date Uploaded: 14 December 2015
  10. Data_for_the_paper_HD-2D_Routine_high-dispersion two-dimensional NMR [Download]

    Title: Data_for_the_paper_HD-2D_Routine_high-dispersion two-dimensional NMR
    Contributors: Contact person: Aguilar, Juan A. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Aguilar, Juan A. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Belda, Raquel (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Kenwright, Alan M. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Botana, Adolfo (Agilent Technologies, UK)
    Keywords: NMR, Compressed sensing, Pure shift NMR, Resolution, Compressive sampling, Compressive sensing, Speed up
    Date Uploaded: 11 December 2015