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  1. The Life, Works and Enduring Significance of the Rev. John Bacchus Dykes MA., Mus.Doc: Appendices. Dykes musical compositions, correspondence, and theological, ecclesiological and musicological writings.

    Title: The Life, Works and Enduring Significance of the Rev. John Bacchus Dykes MA., Mus.Doc: Appendices. Dykes musical compositions, correspondence, and theological, ecclesiological and musicological writings.
    Contributors: Data collector: Cory, Graham (Durham University)
    Editor: Cory, Graham (Durham University)
    Keywords: John Bacchus Dykes, correspondence, letters, archives, transcriptions, hymns, hymnology, music, composer, theology, ecclesiology, musicology, compositions
    Date Uploaded:
  2. UKGN IPSA simulation - Location Awareness in Multi-Agent Control of Distributed Energy Resources - Hutchinson - [Download]

    Title: UKGN IPSA simulation - Location Awareness in Multi-Agent Control of Distributed Energy Resources - Hutchinson -
    Contributors: Creator: Hutchinson, Harriet (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Hutchinson, Harriet (Durham University, UK)
    Keywords: IPSA, distribution network
    Date Uploaded: 23 February 2017
  3. Velocity selection in a Doppler-broadened ensemble of atoms interacting with a monochromatic laser beam [software] [Download]

    Title: Velocity selection in a Doppler-broadened ensemble of atoms interacting with a monochromatic laser beam [software]
    Contributors: Creator: Keaveney, James (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Hughes, Ifan G (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Hughes, Ifan G (Durham University, UK)
    Description: Requires Python 2.7 or newer.
    Keywords: Laser spectroscopy, velocity selection, Doppler broadening, Voigt profile
    Date Uploaded: 21 February 2017
  4. Velocity selection in a Doppler-broadened ensemble of atoms interacting with a monochromatic laser beam

    Title: Velocity selection in a Doppler-broadened ensemble of atoms interacting with a monochromatic laser beam
    Contributors: Contact person: Hughes, Ifan G (Durham Unuversity, UK)
    Keywords: Voigt profile, Doppler broadening, velocity selection, Laser spectroscopy
    Date Uploaded:
  5. Supporting data: Monkman et al. Nature Communications, 2017 [Download]

    Title: Supporting data: Monkman et al. Nature Communications, 2017
    Contributors: Creator: Etherington, Marc (Durham University, UK)
    Data collector: Etherington, Marc (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Monkman, Andrew P. (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Monkman, Andrew P. (Durham University, UK)
    Keywords: TADF Conformation data
    Date Uploaded: 16 February 2017
  6. Slides for Research Data Management Awareness - Leading Research Programme 2017 [Download]

    Title: Slides for Research Data Management Awareness - Leading Research Programme 2017
    Contributors: Creator: Pałucha, Sebastian (Durham University, UK)
    Keywords: research data management, funder compliance, DOI publishing
    Date Uploaded: 16 February 2017
  7. Elucidation of the helical spin structure of FeAs [Download]

    Title: Elucidation of the helical spin structure of FeAs
    Contributors: Creator: Lancaster, Tom (Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Lancaster, Tom (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Schoonmaker, R. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Lee, S.H. (Tamkang University, Taiwan)
    Creator: Du, C.-H. (Tamkang University, Taiwan)
    Creator: Steadman, P. (Diamond Light Source, UK)
    Creator: Strempfer, J. (DESY Photon Source, Germany)
    Creator: Ziq, Kh. A. (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia)
    Creator: Clark, S.J. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Hatton, P.D. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Frawley, T. (Durham University, UK)
    Keywords: Density functional theory, Spin-orbit coupling, Resonant elastic x-ray scattering, Noncollinear magnets
    Date Uploaded: 14 February 2017
  8. Supporting data: Exploring the links between peptoid antibacterial activity and toxicity [Download]

    Title: Supporting data: Exploring the links between peptoid antibacterial activity and toxicity
    Contributors: Creator: Bolt, H. L. (Department of Chemistry, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Eggimann, G. A. (Department of Chemistry, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Jahoda, C. A. B. (School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Zuckermann, R. N. (Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
    Contact person: Sharples, G. J. (School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Sharples, G. J. (School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Cobb, Steven (Department of Chemistry, Durham University, UK)
    Contact person: Cobb, Steven (Department of Chemistry, Durham University, UK)
    Date Uploaded: 26 January 2017
  9. Supporting datasets for: Contactless nonlinear optics mediated by long-range Rydberg interactions [Download]

    Title: Supporting datasets for: Contactless nonlinear optics mediated by long-range Rydberg interactions
    Contributors: Creator: Busche, Hannes (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Huillery, Paul (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Ball, Simon W. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Ilieva, Teodora V. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Jones, Matthew P. A. (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Adams, Charles S. (Durham University, UK)
    Date Uploaded: 24 January 2017
  10. EBNA1-targeted probe for the imaging and growth inhibition of tumours associated with the Epstein-Barr virus

    Title: EBNA1-targeted probe for the imaging and growth inhibition of tumours associated with the Epstein-Barr virus
    Contributors: Contact person: Cobb, Steven (Durham University, UK)
    Date Uploaded: