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  1. SH CELIF (Cavity enhanced laser induced fluorescence) [dataset] [Download]

    Title: SH CELIF (Cavity enhanced laser induced fluorescence) [dataset]
    Contributors: Creator: Eardley, Jack (Durham University, U.K)
    Data collector: Eardley, Jack (Durham University, U.K)
    Contact person: Wrede, Eckart (Durham University, U.K)
    Description: Unpublished work.
    Keywords: Chemistry, CELIF, Physical Chemistry, Chemical physics, Laser chemistry, Absorption spectroscopy , Fluorescence spectroscopy, Molecular beams
    Date Uploaded: 28 January 2019
  2. [1+1'] REMPI of NO clusters [dataset] [Download]

    Title: [1+1'] REMPI of NO clusters [dataset]
    Contributors: Creator: Eardley, Jack (Durham University, U.K.)
    Data collector: Eardley, Jack (Durham University, U.K.)
    Contact person: Wrede, Eckart (Durham University, U.K)
    Description: Unpublished work.
    Keywords: Chemistry, Clusters, Molecular beams, Laser chemistry, Chemical physics, Physical Chemistry
    Date Uploaded: 28 January 2019
  3. Spin transport across the interface in ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic systems [dataset] [Download]

    Title: Spin transport across the interface in ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic systems [dataset]
    Contributors: Creator: Swindells, C (Durham University)
    Contact person: Swindells, C (Durham University)
    Data collector: Swindells, C (Durham University)
    Data curator: Swindells, C (Durham University)
    Editor: Swindells, C (Durham University)
    Contact person: Hindmarch, A. T. (Durham University)
    Contact person: Gallant, A. J. (Durham University)
    Contact person: Atkinson, D (Durham University)
    Keywords: Thin Film, Damping, Ferromagnetic Resonance, Spin Transport
    Date Uploaded: 25 January 2019
  4. Development of Miniature Optical Instrumentation for Skin and Epithelial Tissue

    Title: Development of Miniature Optical Instrumentation for Skin and Epithelial Tissue
    Contributors: Contact person: Mr Amrit Lotay (Durham)
    Editor: Mr Amrit Lotay (Durham)
    Creator: Mr Amrit Lotay (Durham)
    Data collector: Mr Amrit Lotay (Durham)
    Data curator: Mr Amrit Lotay (Durham)
    Date Uploaded:
  5. Magnetic order and enhanced exchange in the quasi-one-dimensional molecule-based antiferromagnet Cu(NO3)2(pyz)3 [dataset] [Download]

    Title: Magnetic order and enhanced exchange in the quasi-one-dimensional molecule-based antiferromagnet Cu(NO3)2(pyz)3 [dataset]
    Contributors: Creator: Lancaster, Tom (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Huddart, Benjamin M (Durham University, UK)
    Creator: Brambleby, Jamie (University of Warwick, UK)
    Creator: Goddard, Paul A (University of Warwick, UK)
    Creator: Xiao, Fan (Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)
    Creator: Blundell, Stephen J (University of Oxford, UK)
    Creator: Pratt, Francis L (STFC ISIS Facility, UK)
    Creator: Singleton, John (Los Alamos National Laboratory, US)
    Creator: Macchi, Piero (University of Bern, Switzerland)
    Creator: Scatena, Rebecca (University of Bern, Switzerland)
    Creator: Barton, Alyssa M (Eastern Washington University, US)
    Creator: Manson, Jamie L (Eastern Washington University, US)
    Keywords: molecular magnet, magnetic order, magnetic exchange
    Date Uploaded: 16 December 2018
  6. Computer-aided patterning design for self-assembled microsphere lithography [Download]

    Title: Computer-aided patterning design for self-assembled microsphere lithography
    Contributors: Creator: Lees, Rhiannon (Durham, University, UK)
    Keywords: Microlithography, Patterning, Self-Assembly
    Date Uploaded: 14 December 2018
  7. A parabolic level set reinitialisation method using a discontinuous Galerkin discretisation [figure data] [Download]

    Title: A parabolic level set reinitialisation method using a discontinuous Galerkin discretisation [figure data]
    Contributors: Creator: Adams, Thomas (University of Durham, UK)
    Contact person: Adams, Thomas (University of Durham, UK)
    Creator: McLeish, Nicholas (University of Durham, UK)
    Creator: Giani, Stefano (University of Durham, UK)
    Creator: Coombs, William M (University of Durham, UK)
    Keywords: Level set method, Reinitialisation, Discontinuous Galerkin
    Date Uploaded: 12 December 2018
  8. Braiding, branching and chiral amplification of nanofibres in supramolecular gels [dataset] [Download]

    Title: Braiding, branching and chiral amplification of nanofibres in supramolecular gels [dataset]
    Contributors: Creator: Steed, Jonathan (Durham University)
    Contact person: Steed, Jonathan (Durham University)
    Editor: Steed, Jonathan (Durham University)
    Keywords: Gels
    Date Uploaded: 5 December 2018
  9. Torso rotation and hand position modulation functional MRI [dataset] [Download]

    Title: Torso rotation and hand position modulation functional MRI [dataset]
    Contributors: Creator: Connolly, Jason (Durham University, UK)
    Data collector: Cacace, Alessia (Durham University, UK)
    Data collector: Podmore, Joshua (Durham University, UK)
    Description: The following three .zip files contain: 1. RawSaccadotopy data: Eyetracking data for an experiment in which an EyeLink 2 was used to record monocular eye position under one of three torso orientations (torso under head). The head position was always facing the screen. There were 5 runs per torso orientation (or 15 runs across the 3 experimental torso rotation conditions). R = Right; L = left and C = Center 2. HandCentredStudyRaw data: functional MRI data for 7 participants (one scan session each). Each participant has: 1. An Anatomy file (both high resolution and in-planes in .hdr/.img pairs.) and functional T2* datasets (HL and HR). HL: refers to hand left; and HR: refers to hand right (or alongside the body). These are also in .hdr/.img (Analyze) format. CW: Clockwise progression of saccade targets; CCW: Counterclockwise progression of saccade targets. 3. TorsoRotationStudyRaw data: functional MRI data for 6 participants scanned across two separate scan sessions each. S1 – S6. TC: Torso Centre; TL: Torso Left; and TR: Torso Right. Each has an Anatomy and Raw directory. The Anatomy directory has the inplane and high resolution 3D anatomies. The Raw/TSeries directory has all of the functional T2* data (Analyze format). CW: Clockwise progression of saccade targets; CCW: Counterclockwise progression of saccade targets.
    Keywords: functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, parietal cortex, topographic mapping, static body position, delayed saccades, hand position changes
    Date Uploaded: 28 November 2018
  10. Magnetic trapping and velocity map imaging of O atoms [dataset] [Download]

    Title: Magnetic trapping and velocity map imaging of O atoms [dataset]
    Contributors: Creator: Eardley, Jack (Durham University)
    Data collector: Eardley, Jack (Durham University)
    Contact person: Wrede, Eckart (Durham University)
    Contact person: Carty, David (Durham University)
    Keywords: Magnetic trapping, Photostop, Chemical Physics, Physical Chemistry, Molecular beams, Velocity map imaging, Laser chemistry
    Date Uploaded: 26 November 2018