This readme file was generated on [2024-11-25] by [Anthony R. Yeates] GENERAL INFORMATION Title of Dataset: Historical magnetic regions from Ca II K synoptic maps Author/Principal Investigator Information Name: Anthony R. Yeates ORCID: 0000-0002-2728-4053 Institution: Durham University Address: Department of Mathematical Sciences, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK Email: Date of data collection: 2024-08-19 Geographic location of data collection: Durham, UK Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: UKRI/STFC grant ST/W00108X/1 SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC-BY Links to publications that cite or use the data: [in preparation - reference to be added] Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: none Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: 1. Digitized MWO Ca II K synoptic maps, from Bertello+2020: 2. Digitized MWO sunspot data from Pevtsov+2019: 3. Sunspot data from Leussu+2021: 4. Polar flux estimated from faculae, from Munoz-Jaramillo+2016: Was data derived from another source? If yes, list source(s): See links above. Recommended citation for this dataset: Yeates, A.R. (2024): Historical magnetic regions from Ca II K synoptic maps [dataset]. Durham University. DOI: DATA & FILE OVERVIEW File List: – magnetic region files for 20 realizations of the plage flux+polarity assignment [see paper for details]. This version uses no sunspot data, but fills all polarities using Hale's Law. "Bad" regions (with incomplete Ca II K observations) have been separated into a sub-folder. – same but with sunspot measurements used to aid polarity assignment. – same but for only the period with overlapping magnetogram observations, and only 10 realizations. All polarities filled using Hale's Law. – same but for only the period with overlapping magnetogram observations, and only 10 realizations. Sunspot measurements used to aid polarity assignment. Relationship between files, if important: described above Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: none Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: Why was the file updated? When was the file updated? METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Python code used to generate the dataset is available at (sft-historical). This is described in the linked paper (see above). Methods for processing the data: see the paper. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: See Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: n/a Environmental/experimental conditions: n/a Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: see the paper People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: see the paper DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: rYYYYMMDD.HH_000N.unf (all region files have same format) Number of variables: 6 Number of cases/rows: n/a Variable List: 1. BR1 – radial magnetic field array (dims: ns x nph, units: Gauss), double precision. 2. PLAGE – array of Ca II K intensity (dims: ns x nph, units: normalised), double precision. 3. PREG – longitude of region centroid (units: degrees), double precision. 4. CR – carrington rotation number, 16-bit integer. 5. COMPLETE – flag of whether region is "complete" (i.e. has sufficient polarity information from sunspot measurements) or not, values 1 (meaning complete) or 0 (meaning incomplete), 8-bit integer. 6. POL_FRAC – fraction of pixels with polarity from sunspot measurements, double precision. Missing data codes: NaN Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: the format is Fortran binary file (to facilitate use in the SFT model – see